Testnet Guide — Kresko

2 min readFeb 15, 2023


Kresko (Twitter: https://twitter.com/KreskoFi) is a synthetic asset protocol. You can mint synthetic stocks, commodities, and crypto using supported collateral assets. They raised $2.35 million from Electric Capital and Polychain.


Kresko is currently having a testnet competition. The competition will last 6 weeks between Feb 10, 2023 — March 24, 2023.

Joining the competition will ensure you get a Level-1 NFT O fficially a Kreskian”. There are also different NFTs you can get for doing well in the competition.

Read details here.


Getting started:

Sign up for the testnet at https://app.kresko.link/signup to get the access code. Access codes will be sent out every Friday.

With the code, you can then register at https://app.kresko.link/competition every Friday to Sunday. You will then have access to the competition.

Step 1:

Go to https://app.kresko.link/competition and select a role. Different roles get different missions.

Step 2:

Complete the missions according to the descriptions. Most missions are relatively straightforward. There will be new missions every week for you to complete.

Good luck with the testnet! Make sure to join their Discord for updates.




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